
3 years
Flight dates: 07/06/2021 (A)
13/07/2021 (R)
Miles 22.124 Miles
Company: Iberia
Flight San Pedro Sula - Barcellona
Origin:Trinidad Santa Barbara Honduras
Hospital:Clinica Tres Torres
Involved ONG:ONG Infancia Solidaria
Flight cost€2.489(A/R flight fare)

Nataly’s story

Nataly Isabella is deaf from birth, and needs a cochlear implant to be able to hear. Unfortunately, such a procedure is not available in her home country.
When Nataly’s mom first finds out that her daughter cannot be treated in Honduras, she is heartbroken. “I couldn’t bear it, I thought that she would never be able to hear me say “I love you”, or listen to my lullabies, or hear balloons popping at her birthday parties” – Jensi Carolina, Nataly Isabella’s mom.

The departure

Flying Angels receives Nataly’s call for help, and quickly arranges the young girl’s journey to Barcelona, where she can be treated in a specialised hospital.


Nataly travels to Barcelona with a trusted family friend, as her mom is pregnant with another baby girl, and is not fit enough to fly. Nataly’s stay in Barcelona is really important to her family: everyday, her mom is updated on the surgery, which is carried out smoothly, and on the girl’s well-being and progresses.

Back home

After her surgery, the girl can hear sounds for the first time in her life. It is an emotional experience for everyone involved, and the beginning of a new and more fulfilling life.

Nataly is excited to go back home, she can’t wait to hug her mom again! Once she is back, her family is overwhelmed by happiness. 

Some pictures from her journey

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