Flight Emergency Fund
The operational tool
for emergency intervention
What is the Flight Emergency Fund?
The Flight Emergency Fund is an operational tool that allows us to quickly assign resources in the event of:
Critically ill children
Health emergency
Sometimes it is necessary to intervene promptly using an air ambulance or a scheduled flight but with very tight deadlines. In these cases, always subject to approval of the case by our Scientific Committee, there is no time to prepare a dedicated fundraiser, and which can cover all the necessary costs (for example air ambulances, whose rental cost is very high).
It is therefore necessary to have funds ready to deal with the emergency.
The Flight Emergency Fund allows us to have available and quickly release the amounts needed to deal with the health emergency
Sick children
Completion of the dedicated fundraising
Despite the generous donations we receive, we are not always able to reach the fundraising goal for the children we take care of. Our Scientific Committee has approved the case, everything is ready for the transfer but some quotas are still missing to finance the flight, and the departure date is near.
Here too, it is important to have a tool that allows us to ensure the child's flight towards health.
The Scientific Committee
The Flying Angels Scientific Committee is composed of 7 volunteer doctors, operating 24/7, with different specialties, to evaluate and possibly approve each individual case.
The Scientific Committee ANALYZES THE CASES based on the criteria of:
Non curability in the country of origin
The case is approved or not within a few hours, in order to allow the children to leave as quickly as possible.
Why support the Flight Emergency Fund?
By donating to the Flight Emergency Fund, you can guarantee help to children who need urgent medical care, but also to all the children who are taken care of by us but for whom, despite a dedicated fundraiser, we are unable to reach the amount necessary to finance their flight.
This is why your contribution and generosity are essential to intervene promptly in the organization of Life-Saving Flights
How is the Flight Emergency Fund activated?
Our Scientific Committee carefully evaluates every request that reaches us through the network of partners (Non-Profit Organizations, Hospitals, etc.) to guarantee basic care to those children who cannot obtain it in their country of origin. Here are the steps to access the Flight Emergency Fund:
Health emergency
A Partner of our Solidarity Network – an ONP (Non Profit Organization) – comes into contact with the case of a seriously ill child who needs life-saving, urgent care that is not available in the country of origin.
The ONP organizes the health aspects: it makes arrangements with the hospital ready to welcome the child and the support structures to organize the stay. The ONP CONTACTS FLYING ANGELS.
Our Flight Operations Manager collects and checks the REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION and immediately takes action to present the case to the scientific committee.
Once the APPROVAL of the Scientific Committee has been obtained, the person in charge of the flight operations helps the partner to prepare the necessary documentation and obtain visas from the embassies and, at the same time, makes arrangements with the ’air ambulance.
If transportation can be done on a scheduled flight, she checks the availability of seats, contacts the company to obtain the necessary equipment (oxygen, stretcher, etc.) and purchases the ticket.
Only a few hours have passed and THE CHILD CAN FLY to Lifesaving care accompanied by a parent and, if necessary, medical personnel.
Completion of the dedicated fundraising
Every day our Scientific Committee approves NEW CASES of children who need to be flown to urgent care.
Our Flight Operations Manager creates a DEDICATED CARD for each child in order to offer you the opportunity to meet the children who need your help and choose whether to finance the individual case. Unfortunately, we are not always able to reach the donation goal necessary to guarantee the flight, but health cannot wait: the hospitals are ready to welcome the children and the medical teams are ready to operate.
In this case, the Flight Emergency Fund is activated, which allows you to INTEGRATE your donations dedicated to the individual child and guarantee that he or she can reach the scheduled care.
An indispensable tool
The Flight Emergency Fund is an indispensable operational tool to guarantee the right to health for many children who cannot find the life-saving care they need in their country. These children must face a journey towards health and timeliness is often a key element. Your contribution is essential for this process to work and we can take immediate action and do our best to ensure they reach their destination and can begin their treatment journey.