
Your contribution makes every flight possible.
Let's build a concrete, life-saving project together.

When a child is fighting for life, being able to get to a specialized hospital in the shortest time is vital: the longer the waiting time, the greater the risk of not making it.


Your company can support Flying Angels and save the lives of many children by developing a meaningful and measurable collaboration in terms of effectiveness and social impact.

Collaboration models

Flying Angels promotes collaborations and partnerships with companies in a win-win perspective:an analysis of reference sectors and of the needs of the company It is combined with the characteristics of our mission to then proceed and build together a tailor-made collaboration model.

Why collaborate

Here are some reasons to become a Flying Angels Foundation Partner, Supporter and Ambassador:


Simple and concrete mission

  • Immediacy and effectiveness of the projects and their communication
  • Direct and immediate social impact.

Speed and effectiveness

Flying Angels is a lean and flexible organisation, capable of developing meaningful structured and valuable projects thanks to:

  • a consistent corporate background
  • more than ten years of expertise in fundraising activities.

Giving further ethical relevance to the work of the company

working at the corporate image, brand identity and corporate social responsibility (CSR) has an exponential positive impact

  • on company performance (Nielsen Global Survey of CSR 2014
  • on employee motivation
  • on visibility
  • on the internal and external image, as the stakeholders are increasingly attentive and sensitive to virtuous behaviour. In fact, for example, the number of people who are willing to spend more on products and services of socially responsible companies is constantly growing.

Become part of an important network of supporting companies

The companies that support the foundation constitute the solidarity network that allows the foundation to grow year after year.  


Transparency and measurability

The Foundation's financial statements are certified by Ernst & Young.
In addition, all proceeds from specific collaborations are reported in terms of the children helped, with their stories.


Tax advantages

The donations provided by entities and companies are deductible and deductible according to the current provisions of the law.

Agevolazioni fiscali

Le erogazioni liberali delle imprese (società di capitali o cooperative o consorzi od enti di diverso tipo, pubblico o privato, che abbiano per oggetto esclusivo o principale l’esercizio di attività commerciali) godono di benefici fiscali.
Condizione necessaria per accedere alle agevolazioni è che il versamento sia eseguito tramite mezzo tracciabile.


Deducibilità dal reddito complessivo netto delle donazioni in denaro per un importo non superiore al 10% del reddito complessivo dichiarato (art. 83, comma 2 del D.Lgs. 3 luglio 2017, n. 117).


Deduzione dal reddito le donazioni in denaro per un importo non superiore a 30.000 euro o al 2% del reddito d’impresa dichiarato (art.100, comma 2, lettera h del D.P.R. 917/86)

Some of our collaborations


Logo ERG


Our goal for 2024 is, together, to be able to continue to help children who ask for HELP, and

Enable about 160 children from the world

Enable 7 Missions of Doctors and Equipe to operate about 170 children

Founding oltre 700 biglietti aerei

Join the Business Program

Corporate volunteering

Corporate volunteering is intended to develop "a project in which the company encourages, supports or organises the active and concrete participation of its staff in the life of the local community or in support of non-profit organisations, during working hours".

There are really many advantages generated by this type of activity and above all the experience is consolidated in a positive way by the relationship that is created between the employee and the company to which they belong, as well as with the Foundation.

Here is an example of Corporate volunteering potential impact

  • It shows the company's sensitivity to a sustainable development policy and represents an assumption of social responsibility, which can be useful for internal and external communication;
  • It reinforces the employee-company bond in sharing solidarity values and supporting initiatives in favour of employees;
  • The appreciation and recognition of its employees increases
  • It contributes to motivating staff, strengthening their sense of belonging and enhancing their skills;
  • It constitutes an argument in the selection of young graduates, often sensitive to sustainable development and solidarity;
  • It enriches corporate culture through the acquisition of intercultural skills by employees;
  • It allows for the professional growth of employees, through the acquisition and strength-ening of transversal skills (soft skills).

Might you be interested in becoming a Flying Angels Foundation partner, do not hesitate to write to tel +390100983277