
14 years
Flight dates: 09/05/2024 (A)
25/05/2024 (R)
Miles 15.892 Miles
Company: Turkish Airlines
Flight Abidjan - Catania
Origin:Abidjan Costa d'Avorio
Hospital:Ospedale San Vincenzo di Taormina
Involved ONG:Ass. Una Voce per Padre Pio
Flight cost€2.549(A/R flight fare)

Fathia's story

Fathia suffered from a form of congenital heart disease caused by a ventricular septal defect that caused her breathing problems. It was very difficult for the mother to manage her daughter's illness, especially after the separation from her husband.

Fortunately Fathia and her mother have always been able to count on the support of their family, with whom Fathia's mother runs a business in Adjamé.

For the past three years, the family's life has revolved around the girl's illness.: all earnings were invested in tests and further studies. Fathia is very strong and supports her mother with her wisdom and courage but for her – little more than a child – it is very difficult to understand the situation and the uncertainty not only about health but also in managing daily life and the family economy.

Luckily Fathia's mother got in touch with the partner NGO who gave her back the hope of seeing her daughter grow up as a normal girl.

The departure

Fathia leaves with her aunt on May 9th from Abidjan in Ivory Coast to land in Catania where the guardian angels and the NGO managers await her and take her immediately to the San Vincenzo Hospital in Taormina.


After the appropriate checks, Fathia is operated on May 13 and can be extubated that same evening. The next day she is immediately transferred to the ward.

Back home

On May 25th it is already time to return to the whole family who awaits her with open arms.

Fathia ha convissuto con la sua patologia per 14 anni prima di arrivare in Italia ed essere finalmente operata. In sole due settimane, Fathia ha potuto cambiare la sua vita, è tornata a casa e oggi ha finalmente le energie per affrontare l’adolescenza.

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