
3 months
Flight dates: 24/01/2022 (A)
05/03/2022 (R)
Miles 2.104 Miles
Company: Air Albania
Flight Tirana - Verona
Origin:Vlore Albania
Hospital:Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona
Involved ONG:Il Castello dei sorrisi
Flight cost€254(A/R flight fare)

Baby Sara story

Baby Sara is only four months old, and has been diagnosed with a severe congenital cardiopathy called Tetralogy of Fallot, which requires urgent surgical care. This type of surgery cannot be carried out anywhere in Albania, due to the lack of specialised hospitals.

The departure

As soon as Flying Angels receives a request for help from Sara’s family, the Foundation finances and organises a flight to Italy, where she can be treated. Flying Angels also supports Sara and her mom in the visas release process, and both of them safely make it to Verona on January 24th.


Sara undergoes her surgery on January 27th. Unfortunately, on the following day she develops a Covid 19 infection, and must be isolated for a couple of weeks. Her mum cannot visit her, and this is a difficult moment for baby Sara, but she recovers quickly and well, and soon her mom can hug her daughter again.

Back home

Sara and her mom are spending some more weeks in Italy, in a house provided by the NGO Il Castello dei Sorrisi. Sara is recovering well, and soon she will be able to fly back to Albania.


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